01 July 2010

1st Award

1st AWARD ?? ta pecayer nie... ape pown thanks sesangat yg bagi award..iaitu Mr. SyuQ ..claps your hand..hehe. mengikut syarat atau bahasa omputihnye..rules yang diberi.. saya perlulah.. buat-buat pandai..hehe.

straight to the point:

A. List 7 random things about yourself

a) paling suke minum teh ais.. lain pun ok..yang penting..bersusu..
b) susah nak kongsi masalah... tapi kalo saya percaya kat org tu.. ok lah
c) sayang sangat family..ape pown family is number 1
d) Diriku ..sukar untuk ditafsir..
e) Seorang yang nampak tabah-(ye ker??, tu kene tye org yg kenal aku)..namun aku akan rebah bila hatiku merindui ayah.
f) sukar untuk membuat sebarang keputusan
g) sangatlah suka baca novel tentang kehidupan, and percintaan

2. Share the award up with the 15 other bloggers

  1. syuQ
  2. ISRAQ
  3. dakmuo
  4. Chenta@ e'ein
  5. sayangku sakura
  6. Secret@lady Q
  7. seliparjepunpink
  8. aina
  9. kancilbiru
  10. szcutesweet

p/s: only 10 je..hehe.. yang dapat award tu..try lah wat 15..hehe

3. Link to each of the recipients and let them know they've won via comments on their blogs.


4. Thank and bring the love back to the person you won the award by linking back to them

Okies..the award was received from click here corat-coret


  1. award2 aku tak sempat2 nak post lagi..sori kpd sape2 yg bg aku.. (--")

  2. kancil biru: sila..sila amik..

    duniaku abstrak: tak pe.. just nak bagi je.. hehe..

    aper pown thanks kpada yg dah amik..hehe.. (just for fun)-->>stlah wat pemantauan..

  3. tumpang tido kt blog dia leh x? hehehehe!!

  4. KuBi... buley2..nak berkampung pon ok..tapi jangan lupe byr sewa tapak..hehe.. thanks visit blog ambo..hehu


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